[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM S33097: Core - Make it possible to remove attributes information stored in the types info system]
There is some issue. Maybe this is bug.
RemoveAttribute method really removes attribute but if you add after that some other attribute the removed one is added back. See code:
C#public override void CustomizeTypesInfo(DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC.ITypesInfo typesInfo) {
ITypeInfo ti = typesInfo.FindTypeInfo(typeof(ITest));
BaseInfo bi = ti.FindMember("Name") as BaseInfo;
BrowsableAttribute attr = bi.FindAttribute<BrowsableAttribute>();
//here bi.FindAttribute<BrowsableAttribute>() == null
bi.AddAttribute(new DisplayNameAttribute("The name"));
//here bi.FindAttribute<BrowsableAttribute>() != null
This behavior is caused by domain components' specifics. I have forwarded your ticket to our developers to research if it is possible to overcome this limitation.