Ticket T293500
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ASPxComboBox - "Object doesn't support property or method" error occurs when the GetSelectedItem method is used

created 10 years ago


I have some javascript that constructs the clientside name of a combobox and then tries to get the selected text from the combobox . Trouble is it's throwing an error 'Object doesn't support property or Method GetSelectedItem.


var previousMemo; var newMemo; var setScore; var newScore; var setScore2; var newScore2; var setScore3; var newScore3; function SaveComments(sectionName) { newMemo = "mem" + sectionName + "Comments";; previousMemo = "memPrevious" + sectionName + "Comments"; setScore = "lbl" + sectionName + "Score"; newScore = "cmb" + sectionName + "Score"; customCallbackParameter = sectionName; SaveCommentsCallback.PerformCallback(customCallbackParameter); } function SaveCommentsEndCallback(s, e) { var resultstring = e.result; var newMemoBoxControl = ASPxClientControl.GetControlCollection().GetByName(newMemo); newMemoBoxControl.SetText(""); var prevMemoBoxControl = ASPxClientControl.GetControlCollection().GetByName(previousMemo); var splitResult = resultstring.split("|"); prevMemoBoxControl.SetText(splitResult[1]); prevMemoBoxControl.SetHeight(splitResult[0]); setScore.SetText(newScore.GetSelectedItem().text); newScore.SetSelectedIndex(-1); }


<dx:ASPxFormLayout ID="frmProjectDetailsScore" runat="server" ColCount="2" Width="100%" Height="100%"> <Items> <dx:LayoutGroup ColCount="2" ColSpan="2" Width="98%" Caption="Score and Comments"> <Items> <dx:LayoutItem ShowCaption="False"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxLabel ID="ASPxFormLayout1_E1" runat="server" Text="Score" Visible="false"> </dx:ASPxLabel> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> </dx:LayoutItem> <dx:LayoutItem ShowCaption="true" Caption="Score Section" ColSpan="2"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbProjectDetailsScore" ClientInstanceName="spnProjectDetailsScore" runat="server" ClientEnabled="false" EnableClientSideAPI="true"> <Items> <dx:ListEditItem Text="0" Value="0" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="1" Value="1" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="2" Value="2" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="3" Value="3" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="4" Value="4" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="5" Value="5" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="6" Value="6" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="7" Value="7" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="8" Value="8" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="9" Value="9" /> <dx:ListEditItem Text="10" Value="10" /> </Items> </dx:ASPxComboBox> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> </dx:LayoutItem> <dx:LayoutItem ShowCaption="true" Caption="Current" ColSpan="2"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxLabel ID="lblProjectDetailsScore" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="lblProjectDetailsScore" /> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> </dx:LayoutItem> <dx:LayoutItem Caption="Comment" ColSpan="2" VerticalAlign="Top"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxMemo ID="memProjectDetailsComments" ClientInstanceName="memProjectDetailsComments" runat="server" Height="110px" Width="98%"> <Border BorderStyle="Solid" /> </dx:ASPxMemo> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <CaptionSettings Location="Top" /> </dx:LayoutItem> <dx:LayoutItem ColSpan="2" Caption="" ShowCaption="False"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxButton ID="btnSaveComments1" runat="server" Text="Save This Comment" AutoPostBack="false" RenderMode="Link"> <ClientSideEvents Click="function(s,e){ SaveComments('ProjectDetails'); }" /> </dx:ASPxButton> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> </dx:LayoutItem> <dx:LayoutItem ColSpan="2" Caption="" ShowCaption="False"> <LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> <dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer runat="server"> <dx:ASPxMemo ID="memPreviousProjectDetailsComments" ClientInstanceName="memPreviousProjectDetailsComments" runat="server" Width="98%" ReadOnly="true"> <Border BorderStyle="None" /> </dx:ASPxMemo> </dx:LayoutItemNestedControlContainer> </LayoutItemNestedControlCollection> </dx:LayoutItem> </Items> </dx:LayoutGroup> </Items> </dx:ASPxFormLayout>

There are numerous other formlayouts following the same format - hence the need to pass the section name and use it to generate the client side control names within the javascript in order to then get the selected values and texts (some of the comboboxs have text in the text fields, not just numbers).

The rest of the javascript works fine, as I've only just added the bit for the comboboxs.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hello Tom,

I see that you save a string value to the newScore variable and call the GetSelectedItem method. It is necessary to access a client-side object to call this method as follows:

var myCombo = ASPxClientControl.GetControlCollection().GetByName(newScore); var myLbl = ASPxClientControl.GetControlCollection().GetByName(setScore); myLbl.SetText(myCombo.GetSelectedItem().text);

Also, please note if you set a control's Visible property to false, such a control is not rendered, and you cannot access it on the client side. Use the ClientVisible property if you wish to manipulate this control on the client side.

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