Ticket T276998
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gridview right to left support

created 10 years ago

My gridView control vers.7.1 doesn't support right to left  feature like XtraEditors.TextEdit control .
It reverse text and I can not use it for edditing.
Can you reccomend me some solution for the problem?

Comments (2)
Nadezhda (DevExpress Support) 10 years ago


    Yes, you are right, GridControl does not support RTL in version 7.1. I will be happy to help you, but I first need to clarify your task. Please describe it in greater detail. Would you also provide a screenshot to illustrate your requirements? We will do our best to find an appropriate solution for you.
    Note that in version 15.1 of our components, we introduced the Right To Left layout support for our controls. Take a look at Right-To-Left layout support for more information.

      Dear Nadezhda,
      here you can see the problem (see attached files).
      Text box controls supported RTL feature but GridView - not.
      How I can get version with RTL support. I need it for GridView only.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

      To accomplish this task, you can use the GridView.CustomDrawCell event. All required information and methods related to this event can be found in the argument of the RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs type. In the GridView.CustomDrawCell event handler, you can implement all required logic to draw a right to left string. To prevent all further paint operations of this cell, it's necessary to set e.Handled to true.
      Let me know if you have additional questions.

        Comments (2)

          Thank you very much.
          This is a good idea.

          DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

            You're welcome. Please feel free to contact us in case of any difficulty. We are happy to help you at any time.

            Other Answers

            created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

            I have only one problem now
            How to open XtraEditors.TextEdit control  within GridView cell for Right To Left support ?

              Comments (1)
              DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

                Hello GALIT,
                There is no way to implement RTL in TextEdit v7.1. As Nadezhda already mentioned, our components support RTL starting with the 15.1 version.  I recommend that you update your DevExpress Components to the latest version.

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