Ticket T264018
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XtraReports RTL: bidirectional text drawing

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

Hi Devex
im using your controls in asp.net for many years now.
and in all these years i have a HUGE problem with reports.
the problem is that when there is a text which contains RTL chars combained with LTR chars the text get mixed up(even if its only numbers).

its a major issue and i cannot pospone it any longer.

i've tried all workarounds i could think of including formating HTML,formating RTF and even mixing the text up so when your control will mix it up
it will came out fine - NONE OF WHICH WORKS

my customers are Furious about it.


the only option i have left is to turn to your competitors that support these king of basic functionallty.

this is not a threat , it's more a demand from a loyal for more than ten years customer

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

Hi Nir,
We completely understand your frustration caused by the absence of this functionality. The RTL support is one of those features that is a long time coming. In fact, we are already taking certain steps to support RTL in our products. We've just recently supported RTL in most of our WinForms controls. Of course, we also want to provide the same functionality for our XtraReporting Suite. However, this task is very difficult and complex, and requires thorough research on our side. There are many hidden issues that come up when drawing the RTL text (especially bidirectional text containing both left-to-right and right-to-left scripts) related to text alignment, word-wraping and inner report document processing, and we have to take all these specifics into account. This feature has big demand and we are working on it. I cannot however give you an ETA on it. Please follow our pre-release updates and blog posts, and I'm sure you won't miss anything.
Thank you for your understanding.

    Show previous comments (9)
    Vasily (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

      Hi Nir,

      So, you are talking about the bidirectional text drawing in the ASP.NET ASPXDocumentViewer control that shows the report preview by using HTML format, am I right? Please clarify if this issue persists only in the exported HTML files. How is this bidirectional displayed in the exported PDF/Image files? This information will help us understand your scenario and provide you with a workaround if it is possible. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

      NT NT
      Nir Tregerman 1 9 years ago

        no. im talking about multilanguage multi directional text in the same cell in XtraReports.
        previously in this ticket you suggested a workaround. in my previous comment i explain why it cannot work in all
        scenarios, and demand you to fix 2 decades old ticket

        Vasily (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

          Hi Nir,

          Thank you for the clarification. I see your point now. Note that we are planning to improve the Right To Left support in further versions of our suite. For now, however, I cannot give you any estimates. Please keep tracking news on our web site, we will let you know once we make progress with the Right To Left support.

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