I'm currently dealing with situation I'll try to describe:
- I have set of General actions. This set consist of my own common actions implemented in independent module and DevExpress standard actions).
- This actions are available more or less for each ListView.
- However there are many specific ListViews where only particular subset of this General actions should be available (subset differs for each such a ListView).
I already evaluated solution, where HideAction node of application model would be used. However, this is not an option since I would be forced to update all the nodes (hundreds) in application every time any new action is added.
One way I found suitable is to manage actions in appropriate controller. I would prepare single-purpose container in my templates called FeaturedActions (for instance) and I would assign required actions to this container in runtime. Unfortunately I did not figure out, how to manage actions in such a way.
I was also thinking about someting like to iterate over all the active actions for particular controller and deactivate all the actions except required ones. However I'm affraid I can't simly deactivate all the other actions, since they can be important for regular work with listview and currently are just available in different containers (context menu, sidebar etc.).
Nevertheless I'm not sure this is the best approach anyway.
Thank you for your advice.