Ticket T247647
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TcxFiltercontrol/TcxDbfilterControl add custom operator for date fields

created 10 years ago


That news about this very interesting functionality in TcxFilterControl/TcxDBFilterControl : "Add custom operators" ?
Here in France accounting period of companies are from 1st june to 31 may of next year.
So how to add this kind of relative operator which can be more interesting than "This year" or "Last year' ?

I know how to add a custom operator in a filter of a Tcxgrid but how it in TcxFilterControl/TcxDBFilterControl ?

Best regards,

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hello Fabrice,

I am afraid that it is impossible to extend the list of operators. TcxFilterOperatorKind is an enumerated type, and adding new elements there isn't supported.

    Show previous comments (7)
    DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

      Right now we are working on Excel-like filtering for our grid control. Perhaps, once we finish this feature, we will be able to add some new operators or the capability of creating custom operators.


        I have quickly tested version 19.1.1 beta and see some change about filter (Excel like dialog).
        But will be possible in version 19.1.X to add custom filter like "Halloween day" for example ?

        DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

          I cannot guarantee that this will be possible in v19.1. However, we will think this over.

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