I use a RangeControl with a ScaleBasedRangeControlClient to make my datenavigator.
I see you have used a ScaleBasedRangeControlClient in your SchedulerControl.
So I've tried to do the same but I've got some problem.
- If you click on the scale header the selected range does not changed (work fine in the SchedulerControl).
- I've set the MaxSelectedIntervalCount at 1. if you increase this interval with the mouse by the right this limitation work fine.
But if you increase this interval with the mouse by the left it does not. So you can have more than one interval.
- I have a problem when I want to forbid the change of the selected range and reselect the old date.
If the user have selected a date after the current date, it's work fine.
if the user have selected a date before the current date, the old range was not selected.
Best regards
(code sample joined to the issue)