Ticket T195251
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Grid - Adding a new row without assigned data source

created 10 years ago


i want add new rows in devexpress.

in C# girdView : gridview=dtg

dtg.Rows.Add(); dtg.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.background; dtg.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = "Chi"; dtg.Rows[0].Cells[2].Value = "chon";

in Devexpress :

private void ShowGrid(DataTable dt) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { object[] obj = dt.Rows[i].ItemArray; gridView1.AddNewRow(); gridView1.SetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, gridView1.Columns[0], obj[0].ToString()); gridView1.SetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, gridView1.Columns[1], obj[1].ToString()); gridView1.UpdateCurrentRow(); } }

but devexpress no Result

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)


To use the GridView.AddNewRow method, you need to have a data source assigned to the grid.
If your task is to use the grid without the data source, you should add unbound columns to the grid and handle the GridView.CustomUnboundColumnData event. Learn more about it - Unbound Columns.
The grid can't operate without a data source. However, you're able to create an empty DataTable (without rows) that has only columns. Look at the following code:

DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); gridControl1.DataSource = dt;

Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Show previous comments (2)
    DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

      [Posted by ki chon]

      [C#]But I am writing this, I have the following code in the form load.

      [C#]create table, but display emty result.

        My problem was solved.

        DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

          I'm happy to hear that you've found a solution.
          If you have further questions, let me know.

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