Ticket T183689
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Add full support for script languages

Letters are broken in rich text edit and PDF

created 10 years ago


I am evaluating DevExpress components after a very long time. I faced few issues with previous versions of DevExpress due to which our management decided not to use DevExpress components. But DevExpress components are so awesome that I always tried to use them again. After your recent release (14.2.3) I decided to check whether the issues are addressed. This is mainly related with https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/S18437, and I can see it's status as 'Implemented', but I still have the same issues as I had a year ago.

I've attached a word document that contains some Unicode text in our national language (Urdu - Pakistan). The fonts used are also provided in the zip file. If I load any document in a richtextedit, the characters are broken (Not only with our fonts, but standard fonts as Tahoma, and Calibri are also broken) . Also, If I export the richtextedit to PDF using these lines , the PDF is also having broken text:

Dim stream As Stream = New MemoryStream

The snapshots are also included in attached zip file.

If I export the richtextedit to Word document again and open it using Microsoft Word using the code below, I can see it looks All good, so problem lies only with rendering in pdfviewer and richtextedit.

RichTextEdit1.SaveDocument("report.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml)

This issue is so big for us that my management will decline my request to purchase DevExpress components, ONCE AGAIN.

Some other similar issues are https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q464928 and https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q557636.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)


The ticket you mentioned (Export to PDF - Support processing of complex scripts (Uniscribe) to correctly represent some glyphs, e.g. Arabic symbols and some hieroglyphs) is intended for XtraReports Suite.

A RichEditControl still does not support RTL languages. I have marked this thread as a duplicate of the Add full support for script languages report. It allows you to receive notifications once the Add full support for script languages ticket is updated.

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