Ticket S32808
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RAD Studio 2009 and later - Support skinning for the dialogs that are invoked by the ShowMessage(), MessageDlg(), InputBox(), and InputQuery() methods in Windows Vista and Windows 7

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 15 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

We found out that this problem was introduced in RAD Studio 2009 and still persists in RAD Studio 2010. By default, these IDEs use new Vista-style dialogs in Windows Vista and Windows 7 if Windows themes and IDE runtime themes are enabled. So, if these conditions are met, Vista-style dialogs are shown, which appear as if they are not skinned. To work around the problem, you can disable themes or prevent the IDE from using Vista-style dialogs via the Dialogs.UseLatestCommonDialogs option, as shown below:

Dialogs.UseLatestCommonDialogs := False; // Enables standard style dialogs

Until the suggestion is implemented, we recommend that you use this workaround in your skinned applications.

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