In the upcoming release, we have fixed all known issues related to rendering of Arabic symbols in PDF. Should you come across any related problem that has not yet been fixed, please feel free to contact our Support Team.
Export to PDF - Support processing of complex scripts (Uniscribe) to correctly represent some glyphs, e.g. Arabic symbols and some hieroglyphs
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).
Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.
We are planning to release the next major version in early June. Please stay tuned to our announcements.
We have heard your complaints. I have a deep respect for countries in the Middle East and want to serve you better. We have started work on correcting some of the issues with our PDF export and hope to have something in the next release. Please email me if you have any additional questions. I value your input!
Seth Juarez
Analytics Program Manager
Thanks Mr. Ali for the attachment. Thanks DevExpress Team for the fix at last. One more question I do have. Is the fix applied to the suit ? Thanks again.
Any time guys, as I know that this fix for all XtraReport suite, but I tried online sample for you guys and I upgraded it to 14.1, and you know what it works too :), please find the attachment, but please note that I am talking only about the exporting report to pdf,
Best Regards,
Thanks Seth and thanks for your team, important related question, what about RTL reports problem?
Other Answers
Hi All,
I've been facing this issue for some time and now it is fixed in the latest version, however for anyone who is using an older version and can't do an upgrade for whatever reason (Which is my case), i got the reports working with Arabic by exporting them to HTML and then converting the HTML source programmatically to PDF using wkhtmtopdf.
When using wkhtmtopdf, make sure that you provide the command with the HTML using a file saved on disk and not with memory stream though the process running the command, this is important because if you don't do it like this, the Arabic letters issue will appear in the exported PDF again, this took me sometime to figure out so here is how to call it:
var process = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe", Arguments = "C:/input.htm C:/output.pdf" } };
When exporting to HTML, the report doesn't have any issues and when converted to PDF, the Arabic letters keep showing correctly.
Hopefully you find this helpful if you have a similar situation.
Hello Anas,
Thank you for sharing your solution with us. I hope that our other users who stick with the old version of our suite and could not update to the latest one will find your solution useful.
Take it
easy Abo Habiba we are since 2006 asking for this !!!
now its even more important because of the new PDF viewer in windows forms controls which encourage us to use PDF documents inside the application , and which by the way CAN display Arabic with no problems, as I have tested it with Arabic PDF document ! , the really annoying issue for me is when user want to export the content of an xtraGrid having Arabic rows into PDF, then after ShowPreview method then export into PDF it does not display correctly.
kindly do you have plan to offer solutions in the next release.
Hi Ibrahim,
Currently, I am unable to provide you with a time frame for the implementation of this feature, because it has not yet been established. We will update this thread when the suggestion is implemented. Add this ticket to your favorites to receive notifications about the status.
Hello Andrew,
I think you're kidding, after 6 years you said that … we trusted Devexpress … VCL and .NET and we have a customers and we want to meet their needs.
it is a gap in our systems and the reports as well
We are waiting for this fix from years, it is simple for you … where is the problem?
It is so clear, they are not going to fix it. I don't know why!
I do agree with Mr. Mohsen Abo-Ghaly and Mr. Abdurahman Almatrodi that this little problem took so much time and still not planned to be implemented. Our customers keep asking us about this functionality and we don't know what more excuses to tell them!
Any way my dear colleagues, you may find this post useful to you regarding our issue.
The above link uses native gridview not aspx:gridview.
I hope it will be useful to you, because it's a hopeless case to be solved by DevExpress :( :( :(
@All, thank you for the follow-up. We will update the ticket status once we make a final decision in this regard. I am afraid we cannot give you promises until this feature enters the production state.
Six years is a long time and it is nothing but disappointing. What a waste of time.
Also I'm sorry to say this is very disappointing from DevExpress team , it's clear now that not few customers suffering from this issue.
For this problem we had to abandon DevExpress reports totally and use MS embedded reporting services rdlc instead viewed thru the local viewer , exporting Arabic to PDF is a must have feature requested by customers so after complaining for DevExpress several times for this with no outcome we had no choice but to move to SSRS instead and leave a great reporting control we already are paying for yearly !!
@Alex, you have to clarify the situation, you have a problem? - let's know
and thanks a lot for Amr Ammar, will read it.
To my regret, we cannot give you estimates or promises until the feature enters the pre-production state. Please keep tracking this ticket to stay informed of our progress.
I will answer instead of you and let be honest, you are not going to fix it, it been 6 years since this issue. For me, right now, I am testing other products. I need to be a value customer.
We do not have immediate plans to introduce this feature. The reason being, just to enable support for processing complex scripts, we would be looking at a complete rewrite of the existing PDF exporting mechanism.
Yes, we do understand that this is a fairly mature, but highly demanded functionality. I assure you that we did not forget about it, and our team still wants to provide this feature.
To my regret, I cannot offer you an immediate solution or workaround because of complexity of this request. Please keep tracking this ticket to stay informed of our progress.
Hello Ingvar, just to my understanding please , how come the report itself displays Arabic with no problem in Design/Preview and it CAN export it to all other formats including Excel , RTF , HTML with no problem , And only export to PDF needs a rewrite to the existing reporting mechanism ? I assume this only has to deal with PDF Unicode export APIs and that's it because the data is already there ready or else how would you be able to export to all others ?
Kindly advice .
I apologize for being unclear in my previous comment. Of course, I meant rewriting of our PDF export routines.
Let me also repeat, while we do not have immediate plans to introduce this feature, we did not abandon it. Once we have any results, we will update this ticket.
Thank you for your understanding.
We have the same problem exporting to PDF for indian scripts.
Most of the component vendors forget that there are many languages other than English to target for in their earlier stages of development.
This is very big issue, I know many of companies not accept buy Devexpress license because of the Arabic language and Controls right to left properties shortage, You must do more efforts to support right to left languages.
I don't really need right to left, but support of Japanese characters would be nice.
Hi Doe,
This issue will be processed in the Japanese characters support ticket.
Is there any updates about Arabic support in Reports ?
As I stated before, while we do not have immediate plans to introduce this feature, we may do so in the future. Once we have plans to implement this functionality, we will update the ticket accordingly.
This feature is very important to us we developing many application depend on this feature
Devexpress , Did you Slove this Problem or Not Yet ? Please update us about news
Currently, I am unable to provide you with a time frame for the implementation of this feature, because it has not yet been established. We will update this thread when the suggestion is implemented. Add this ticket to your favorites to receive notifications about the status.
Hey guys…
Any workaround for this… ?
Hello Lewis,
I am afraid that there is no workaround for this suggestion at present.
This can work as a workaround, install a virtual PDF printer software and print directly on it from DevExpress reports or grid preview to generate PDF file with Arabic support without a problem
it seems no update or fix till now, and regarding the PDF printers, the problem how we can convince our clients.
Hey Devexpress,
You should take this issue more seriously as you're losing many many clients in the Arab countries.
Please consider this as an advice from a developer who adores your controls but is disappointed from your delay in solving such a little problem.
Seven years - it seems they deliberately ignore it. not good … Not good to ignore requests for clients using their products for years. Less respect for their customers to provide an explanation for this delay and not just arrogant responses.
I'm working in a big software house in middle east and in discussing which control bundle affordable to us to build our projects, we avoid DevExpress because only this issue !! , really this is very disappointing
another issue regarding RTL? the print option prints in reverse direction so in LTR not RTL, when you print Grid
Hello Ali,
This question is not related to the context of this suggestion, so I have created a new ticket on your behalf regarding it: The print option shown in reverse direction so in LTR not RTL.
I am Trying To use San Serif Font or ms uncode the problem is change but words still disconnected