Some built-in classes, like Person and Address, are decorated with the CalculatedPersistentAliasAttriubute, which may be helpful to provide dynamic aliases for calculated properties.
Currently, for this functionality to work in server mode, it is required to manually call the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo.CalculatedPersistentAliasHelper.CustomizeTypesInfo method from within your custom code, even though this looks like a truly service code.
I propose moving this code into the system libraries by default.
Usability - Remove the necessity to manually call the CalculatedPersistentAliasHelper.CustomizeTypesInfo method from custom code when CalculatedPersistentAliasAttribute is used
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).
Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.
Now, in XPO-based XAF solutions created with the Solution Wizard the following line is added to the overridden CustomizeTypesInfo method in the Module.cs file:
You can remove this line if you do not need to use CalculatedPersistentAliasAttribute.
- v15.1.3Download Official Update
- v14.2.6Download Official Update
Please make sure developers can turn this call off or intercept it. For example, performance reasons.