Ticket Q99383
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How to set group summaries values

created 17 years ago

I need to set values for footer and group summaries manually in a TcxGrid. I'm able to do it using a function you provided me a few months ago; I write it on the DataController's OnAfterSummary event to set my own values to both summaries footer and group, but the values at the groups header does not reflect my changes.
Note that I just want the same values to be displayed at header and footer of each group.
Could you help me? Thanks

Show previous comments (6)
Stan (DevExpress Support) 17 years ago

    Hello Bernardo,
    Yes, you are quite right. You should adjust summary values for group and footer summary items separately. You can obtain the necessary summary item using the GetDataItem method as demonstrated in the attached sample.
    Please feel free to contact us if you need any additional assistance in this regard. We will be happy to help you.

    BE BE
    Bernardo Effting 17 years ago

      Hi Stan!
      Thank you very much for help! It's working pretty fine now!

      Stan (DevExpress Support) 17 years ago

        You are welcome, Bernardo!

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