Ticket Q557636
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DocumentPreview export to PDF does not support Unicode?

created 11 years ago

Dear Devexpress:

I was trying to export Report to PDF using DocumentPreview, the export not correct, please find the attachment showing this, another note the export using word or excel it works fine with only one problem, it does not work as expected to export the document as the original report with RTL support,

Best Regards,

Comments (1)

    another issue regarding RTL? the print option prints in reverse direction so in LTR not RTL, please find the attachment

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

    Hi Ali,
    It appears that you are referring to a known issue. At present, processing complex scripts (Uniscribe) when exporting a document to PDF isn't supported. If you find this feature useful, track the corresponding suggestion registered at: Export to PDF - Support processing of complex scripts (Uniscribe) to correctly represent some glyphs, e.g. Arabic symbols and some hieroglyphs.

      Show previous comments (2)

        hi ingvar,
        Thanks for clarification and please read this carefully,
        1- before I start talking I want to mention very important note, that I am very happy with your great products so far except this issue, and I am welling to work with all your products and I think it will be good start for me and anyone else.
        2- I am little bit disappointed, before I start think to purchase your products, I did research and I was reading a lot of questions regarding silverlight RTL support because this was the main concern to me, even I want only silverlight product I purchase Universal Subscription because I am trusting you guys you are the best and I am welling to do all my projects using your products and start to support it over here,
        please read those
        it was the answer - "Our WPF and Silverlight controls fully support RTL." and there are many questions and answers as above
        any body understand from this word fully? fully right? so now you are telling me the print does not support RTL? all your effort to make WPF and silverlight support RTL will gone in the wind if you did not fix this issue,
        export to PDF, I can live with it and ingore it and I can push my client to use word, excel … etc, but the print option is very important this the core thing in any LOB application,
        3- So please by any chance you are planning to fix this issue in short period please let me know, I have commitment with my clients and I need to make everything clear to them so they can accept it or rejected, I need a clear answer not open date, so please try to contact the project manager or any body responsible for this and he/she can give me this answer.
        Again I know you have a small market in RTL world and I understand you have priorities, but at least we have a right to know, so we can decide to continue support and work with your products or not,
        Best Regards,

        DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

             Thank you for your comments. You are correct that our native WPF and Silverlight controls do indeed support RTL out of the box (including our report viewers). Sadly, reports themselves are *not* native WPF or Silverlight controls. We are currently working to fix Arabic character export in our pdf export and hope to have something soon.
          If this answer is not sufficient, please feel free to contact me personally at sethj@devexpress.com.

            Thanks a lot seth for the clarification and I will email you for other concerns,
            Best Regards,

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