after i upgrade my project from 12.8 to 13.1 i have this message error when Login:
Value cannot be null.Parameter name: member.MemberInfo
it stopped in the following subroutine :
Public Overrides Function Authenticate(ByVal objectSpace As DevExpress.ExpressApp.IObjectSpace) As Object WinChangeDatabaseHelper.AuthenticatedUserLogonFailed = False If String.IsNullOrEmpty(AuthenticatedUserName) Then Return MyBase.Authenticate(objectSpace) Else Dim logonParameters As ChangeDatabaseStandardAuthenticationLogonParameters = CType(Me.LogonParameters, ChangeDatabaseStandardAuthenticationLogonParameters) Dim result As Object = objectSpace.FindObject(UserType, New BinaryOperator("UserName", logonParameters.UserName)) If result Is Nothing Then WinChangeDatabaseHelper.AuthenticatedUserLogonFailed = True WinChangeDatabaseHelper.SkipLogonDialog = False Throw New AuthenticationException(logonParameters.UserName, SecurityExceptionLocalizer.GetExceptionMessage(SecurityExceptionId.RetypeTheInformation)) End If AuthenticatedUserName = "" Return result End If End FunctionEnd Class
with exception :
(The user name must not be empty.)
Note : i have customized the Login window as in the folloing example:
http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Example/Details/E1344?currentProgrammingLanguage=VB.NET&version=v2012%20vol%202.4%20-%20v2013%20vol%201.4 Thanks, Please Help!!
Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding. We couldn't find an immediate answer or resolution. Please bear with us. We will inform you as soon as an answer is found.
Please pardon our delayed response. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the described behavior with the solution from the How to change connection to the database at runtime example. I have attached a test sample and a video with a successful login process. Please change the attached sample or provide your own sample and describe steps to reproduce the issue.
You can find the error in the attached Sample!!