When I click on a certain cell I need to perform a task (individual's email address). The DataGridView had an event CellMouseClick which allowed me to perform the task. What is the comparable event with the GridView?
GridView - How to catch a cell click?
To accomplish this task, use the GridView.RowCellClick event.
Please note that this event will not fire when clicking on a row cell, if data editing is enabled and the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property is set to MouseDown (and to Default, if multiple row selection is disabled). To accomplish this task, set the GridView.OptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property to the EditorShowMode.MouseUp value.
GridView.RowCellClick event is not available in asp.net Devexress grid view version 10.4
Hello Niket,
This ticket is for WinForms GridView. I've created a separate ticket for your question regarding ASP.NET GridView: