how to change the font name of DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm caption?
If the the caption of XtraForm is Chinese font, it's very ugly. I have try all the skins but the caption font is not changed.
I create a new skin with SkinEditor, but there is no caption font property.so how to change the font name of form caption?
Thanks ,
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Hi Zheng,
This can be done only in by creating a derived FormPainter class. Here is some sample code:
public partial class XtraForm1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm { public XtraForm1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void XtraForm1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected override DevExpress.Skins.XtraForm.FormPainter CreateFormBorderPainter() { return new MyFormPainter(this, LookAndFeel); } } public class MyFormPainter : FormPainter { public MyFormPainter(Control owner, ISkinProvider provider) : base(owner, provider) { } protected override void DrawText(DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.GraphicsCache cache) { string text = Text; if(text == null || text.Length == 0 || this.TextBounds.IsEmpty) return; AppearanceObject appearance = new AppearanceObject(GetDefaultAppearance()); appearance.Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Italic); appearance.TextOptions.Trimming = Trimming.EllipsisCharacter; Rectangle r = RectangleHelper.GetCenterBounds(TextBounds, new Size(TextBounds.Width, appearance.CalcDefaultTextSize(cache.Graphics).Height)); DrawTextShadow(cache, appearance, r); cache.DrawString(text, appearance.Font, appearance.GetForeBrush(cache), r, appearance.GetStringFormat()); } }
My project is attached.