Ticket Q180873
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LinqDataSource does not support the Select property when the Delete, Insert or Update operations are enabled.

created 17 years ago

I have a detail grid which I'm feedling via a LinqDataSource.
The reason I'm using a LinqDataSource and not a LinqServerModeDataSource is because the latter doesn't allow you to specify parameters for the Where clause declaratively. I'm getting the primary key from the master row and stuffing it into a session variable, which the detail table's data source then uses as its search parameter.
So far, so good, and it works.
However, when a new row is inserted, the error "LinqDataSource [name of my datasource] does not support the Select property when the Delete, Insert or Update operations are enabled."
Question: what is the "correct" way to use Linq to get detail rows (hopefully declaratively) so they can be updated?

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    To implement master detail ASPxGridView bound to a LinqServerModeDataSource, it is necessary to use its Selecting event and pass an IQueryable object which will define the data that should be queried from the data base for a certain detail ASPxGridView. To support data editing, you should set LinqServerModeDataSource.EnableEdit(EnableInsert, EnableDelete) properties to true. Also, set the DataContext's ObjectTrackingEnabled property value to false. Attached sample project shows this approach in action. NOTE: this project will not work online, so to test it, you should download it, change the connection string in the web.config file and run it on your local machine

      Ok - many thanks for that Plato - seems to work well and is pretty straightforward.

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