Having multiple DockPanels causes the widths to not be applied correctly. Look at UserControl2 class, line 20. The width of 200 is not being applied. The DockPanel looks as if it's been squeezed in.
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Hello Sanjay,
The docking library doesn't support the Fill docking type. Please refer to the Allow a dock panel to fill a form suggestion. Please remove the following line from your code:
uc2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Thank you,
I'm not sure if that's the issue. uc2 is a UserControl. Besides, I looked at the issue you pointed out and it talks about having a DockPanel expand to fill the parent container. In my case, i don't want that. I just want to be able to set the width of the DockPanel correctly in all circumstances.
Hello Sanjay,
Thank you for the reply. We are working on this problem and will post a solution once it is found. Please bear with us.
Thank you,
Hi Sanjay,
It appears that the DockPanel size is later reduced to accommodate it to the resulting layout and form constraints. To overcome this issue, set the DockPanel.MinimumSize instead.
I have modified your project accordingly. It is attached. Please let us know if this makes sense.
Thank you. It seems to work.
Hi Prasad,
I am happy to hear that my assistance was helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience problems when using our products. We will be happy to help you at any time.