Hello, Support:
I've encountered a bug similar to one I reported before in layout captions (which you fixed). If I set a LabelControl's Text property to a string that contains '&' (ampersand), the ampersand does not display…only a space.
Steps to Reproduce:
Set the Text property of an instance of LabelControl to, say, "C & H Pure Cane Sugar", and you will see that the ampersand does not display.
Actual Results:
"C & H Pure Cane Sugar" displays as "C H Pure Cane Sugar".
Expected Results:
Should display as "C & H Pure Can Sugar".
LabelControl.Text: Does Not Display '&' If String Contains This Character
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hello Eric,
Our LabelControl works in the same way as a standard WIndows.Forms.Label control (please see the attached sample). A character followed by the & sign within a caption is used as a mnemonic char. If you need to show the ampersand symbol, you use the "&&" string or disable the LabelControl.UseMnemonic option.
Please try this solution and inform us of your results.
If you dont need the functionality you can also just turn UseMnemonic to False
Visual Basiclabel.UseMnemonic = False
Yes, that's correct. Thank you for posting this solution here!
I've updated our answer accordingly.