Ticket B3352
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Paperkind / papersize

created 19 years ago

I'm testing the XtraReports.Net to replace my ActiveReports and CrystalReports. All seems perfect and working except 1 thing. How can I print to the Adobe PDF (driver installed) printer with the paperkind 'GermanStandardFanfold' and with the papersize '8.5x12.0'? I can't get this to work, it is always set to A4, no matter what I try…
Please help asap, thanks!

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DevExpress Support Team 19 years ago

    Hi Sigurd,
    I am sorry, but we don't quite understand the problem you ran into. If you need to use the default printer's paper kind, please try to enable the XtraReport's DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing.UsePaperKind option. Otherwise, if you need to specify the paper kind manually, you can handle the XtraReport.PrintingSystem.StartPrint event and change the PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings to achieve your goal. Here is some sample code:
    private void PrintingSystem_StartPrint(object sender, DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintDocumentEventArgs e){
                for(int i = 0; i < e.PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Count; i++)
                     if(e.PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes[i].PaperName == "Envelope #10") {
                          e.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = e.PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes[i];

    If these suggestions don't help you, please provide us with a detailed problem description, so that we can offer you a proper solution.

    Unknown 19 years ago

      Ok, I got a lot further already. The 'DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing.UsePaperKind' option works perfectly for e.g. HP or Lexmark printers. But for the 'Epson FX-890 (Windows XP)' it refuges to do this. It's always going to Letter paperkind, no matter what I do. If I start Notepad and click on print, the driver tells me 'FanFold' (the same for Word, and other applications), so the settings for the printer are ok. Is this due to you or the Epson driver (it is the latest one), I don't know, but it's an annoying problem.
      Many thanks for the help so far, great support guys!

      DevExpress Support Team 19 years ago

        Hi Sigurd,
        Thank you for the information you provided. It seems to be the problem in the XtraPrinting library implementation. I have registered it with ID: A1611 in our database and you can track this item here: "http://www.devexpress.com/issue=A1611".

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