Ticket B210375
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Restoring the focus after a change in the current editor and a subsequent callback initiated by the ImmediatePostDataAttribute

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).

Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.

Additional information:

Starting with version 15.2.8, the previous custom-tailored solution is no longer required, as this code has been moved to the standard delivery.
You can test this improvement right away after installing the following hot fix build: http://downloads.devexpress.com/Share/DXP/160330/DevExpressComponents-
I am looking forward to hearing from you once you have had an opportunity to test the latest build with your real web projects.


    created 13 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

    Attached is a sample project that contains a better solution (refer to the B210375_Workaround.cs and Default.aspx files for more details) on how to restore focus after a callback operation.
    For instance, in the attached sample project you can modify the Hours and Rate properties and then press the Tab key or move the mouse out of the editor and see that the previously focused editor will be focused after the callback.
    Refer to the How to highlight the focused editor in DetailView example to learn more on how to attach a custom client side functionality to controls of an XAF View.
    Take special note that this is a temporary solution for the scenario given in the attached example, and we have not tested it under all scenarios supported by XAF.
    Creating a permanent solution is a rather complex task, requiring additional R&D, which we hope to implement in the future (we cannot provide any ETA at this stage, because this functionality is not yet planned for any specific release).
    That said, we may not be able to fix issues with this temporary solution in a reasonable time frame, so please use it at your own risk, and feel free to modify and test it further to better meet your business requirements.

      Comments (1)
      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 12 years ago

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