I am trying to get the TcxImage to fill the full vertical height of the ribbon, rather than just one row.
I right-click on the ribbon group, and select Add cxEditItem / Image . That produces a TcxBarEditItem with Properties of Image. It is possible to set ViewLevels to ivLargeIconWithText using the context menu. However, the item is still only shown on one row.
The "How to Make an Item Occupy Several Rows within a Ribbon Toolbar" help topic and http://community.devexpress.com/forums/t/55740.aspx forum topic describe my problem, but the example code is for the TdxBarControlContainerControl class
I tried to use the sample code to change the TcxBarEditItem and recompile, but the compile failed with the error "GetPossibleViewLevels not found in the base class."
Can you tell me the best way to show the TcxImage filling all three rows? I am using C++ Builder.
Thank you!
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Hello James,
Thank you for your message.
To implement the required functionality for the TcxBarEditItem control, please patch the cxBarEditItem.pas unit instead of dxBarExtItems.pas (as for the TdxBarControlContainerItem object):
function TcxBarEditItemControl.GetPossibleViewLevels: TdxBarItemViewLevels; begin Result := inherited GetPossibleViewLevels; if Item.CaptionIsEditValue then Result := Result - [ivlSmallIconWithText]; Result := Result + [ivlLargeIconWithText]; // <- Insert this string end;
As stated in the "How to Make an Item Occupy Several Rows within a Ribbon Toolbar" help topic, to make these changes come into effect for the C++ Builder, run Express Install in a Recompile mode.
Hopefully, it will help you achieve the required functionality.
Best Regards,