Hi DevExpress,
I'm creating DOckPanel in my code :
C#DockPanel panneau = DockManager.AddPanel(DockingStyle.Right);
panneau.Text = libellé;
panneau.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide;
panneau.ImageIndex = 0;
// Here panneau.Width equals 200
panneau.Width = 250;
// Here panneau.Width still equals 200
The fact that I assign a new value to the width property of my DockPanel as no effect.
Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong ?
Thank you,
Hi Julien,
You should first set the Width property and then set Visibility to AutoHide. In the AutoHide state, the size of the panel is controlled by the DockLayout object. DockLayout is a non-public property, so you cannot set the size of the sliding panel.