Bug Report B190858
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How to refresh GridView's data after update or delete operation in case of , GridControl.datasource = Datatable

created 15 years ago

Hi I have created a datatable and to view its data, I use "GridControl.datasource = Datatable" but when I do any update or delete operation on datatable, I dont see any data is actually refreshing in gridview. I have tried couple of methods but nothing worked for me.
Try outs:

  1. GridControl1.RefreshDataSource()

  2. GridControl1.Refresh()

  3. GridView1.RefreshData()

  4. GridView1.RefreshEditor(True)

Dim d As New RefreshDataTableValues(AddressOf UpdateValues)

Public Delegate Sub RefreshDataTableValues()
      Public Sub UpdateValues()
      End Sub
How to bind datatable to Grid so that any update on data will change it in gridview real time?

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

    It's very strange, that none of these methods helps you.
    Could you please provide us with a sample illustrating your issue?
    We will examine it, and do our best to help you.

    FA FA
    Forward Advantage 14 years ago

      No longer an issue.

        // after delete or update on gridView1 ,, Datatable1.AcceptChanges();

        Note: "Datatable1" is the datasource of gridView1


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