Cross-Platform Spreadsheet Processing

Generate and process Microsoft Excel worksheets and workbooks across all platforms and operating systems that support recent .NET versions. Our Spreadsheet API library is powered by our Skia-based cross-platform rendering engine and supports the following platforms and operating systems:

  • Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Azure, AWS, Docker
  • .NET 7, .NET 6
  • .NET Framework 4.5.2+

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Cross-Platform Spreadsheet Processing - Office File API | DevExpress

Microsoft Excel Compatibility

Our Spreadsheet API supports nearly all Microsoft Excel document formats including:

  • XML Spreadsheet 2003
  • CSV
  • TXT
  • Export to PDF / HTML / Image

You can also convert your spreadsheets to accessible PDF files that conform PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-3a, and PDF/UA standards. Read the blog post

See Demo

Microsoft Excel Compatibility - Office File API | DevExpress

Supported Document Elements

With our comprehensive Spreadsheet API, you can create, access, modify, or remove the following Excel document elements:

  • Workbook, Worksheets, Chart Sheets
  • Rows, Columns, Cells
  • Tables, Pivot Tables
  • Charts, Sparklines
  • Pictures, Shapes
  • Document Properties
  • Defined Names
  • Comments
  • Hyperlinks
  • Page Breaks
  • Headers, Footers
  • Print Titles
Supported Document Elements - Office File API | DevExpress

Excel Compatible Functions

Over 400 built-in functions with array formula support allow you to create formulas and perform high-precision and multi-threaded calculations at incredibly fast speeds.

From basic mathematical functions to complex formulas with statistical, financial, and real-time data (RTD) functions, DevExpress Spreadsheet API includes everything you need to incorporate Excel-inspired data analysis functionality in your app.

And of course, you can create your own functions. Custom functions are available for all spreadsheet calculations and can be used within formulas.

Excel Compatible Functions - Office File API | DevExpress

Excel-inspired Pivot Tables

Insert Excel-like pivot tables to summarize and analyze large amounts of data. Pivot Tables are highly flexible and can be quickly modified to address your specific usage scenario.

Excel-inspired Pivot Tables - Office File API | DevExpress

Charts, Sparklines, Shapes

Our Excel Spreadsheet API library supports shapes (from simple lines and rectangles, to 3D shapes), sparklines (Line, Column, Win/Loss), and a wide range of 2D/3D charts:

  • Column and Bar Charts
  • Pie and Doughnut Charts
  • Area and Line Charts
  • Scatter, Radar, and Bubble Charts
  • Box and Whisker Charts
  • Histogram and Pareto Charts
  • Treemap and Sunburst Charts
  • Waterfall Charts
  • Funnel Charts
  • Stock Charts
Charts, Sparklines, Shapes - Office File API | DevExpress

Cell Styles & Conditional Formatting

Create Excel worksheets that are fully optimized for clarity and readability. Use cell styles to apply predefined formats, and other formatting options to intuitively present workbook data. Cell value formatting options include:

  • Predefined and Custom Cell Styles
  • Cell Formatting Options (Number Format, Font, Alignment, Borders, Fill)
  • Style Flags
  • Rich Text Formatting

You can also highlight cells based on specific criteria. Cells can be highlighted with data bars, icons, and predefined color scales.

Cell Styles and Conditional Formatting - Office File API | DevExpress

Mail Merge

Mail Merge is built-in and allows you to automatically generate a batch of Excel documents based on a single document template. Our Spreadsheet API supports the following Mail Merge functions (placeholders):


See Demo

Mail Merge - Office File API | DevExpress

Bind to Data

You can bind a cell range or table in a worksheet to a data source or use a cell range as a data source for any DevExpress or third-party data-aware UI control (Data Grid, Chart Control, etc.).

Our .NET Spreadsheet API fully supports data export and import. You can import data to worksheet cells from arrays, lists, and data tables – and yes, you can export a cell range to a DataTable.

Bind to Data - Office File API | DevExpress

Filter, Sort, Group, and Search

Just like Microsoft Excel, DevExpress Spreadsheet API includes an AutoFilter - designed to filter data against column values and to display only the rows that meet specific criteria.

As you would expect, our Spreadsheet API supports grouping (outlines) and sorting against an unlimited number of columns. You can sort data by text (alphabetically, according to the current culture), numbers, dates, and time.

And of course, you can search within a worksheet, specify whether the operation should be case-sensitive, and search using wildcard characters.

Filter, Sort, Group, and Search - Office File API | DevExpress

Data Validation

Our Data Validation API helps you reduce data entry errors and keep workbook data concise and accurate. You can easily define restrictions and provide text-based feedback as to what can be entered into spreadsheet cells.

Data Validation - Office File API | DevExpress

Document Security

Excel Spreadsheet API allows you to password-protect your worksheets/workbooks and prevent unauthorized access. Security options include:

  • Restrict Document Modification
  • Encrypt a Document with a Password
  • Specify a Password to Open or Edit a Document
  • Grant User Permissions
  • Electronically Sign Microsoft Excel Documents

See Demo

Document Security - Office File API | DevExpress

DevExpress Spreadsheet UI Controls

Embed Excel UI into your desktop and web apps.

From XLS to XLSx and everything in between, our Spreadsheet UI controls allow you to quickly incorporate advanced spreadsheet functionality in your next desktop and web application.

Our Spreadsheet controls ship with a comprehensive collection of end-user options so you can deliver Microsoft Excel-inspired functionality with ease. If your app requires a full spreadsheet processing user interface (if you need to introduce an Excel-inspired UX into your app), please refer to the following web pages for more information on our Spreadsheet controls:

DevExpress Excel-Inspired Spreadsheet UI Controls - Office File API | DevExpress

Newest Office File API & Spreadsheet API Features

for the .NET, .NET Core, Visual Studio 2022

Our goal is perfection and thanks to feedback from our loyal users, we continue to improve the capabilities of our Spreadsheet Document API.
See what we've been up to in the recent release cycle.

RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption - Spreadsheet Document API | DevExpress

RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption

DevExpress Spreadsheet Document API can import and export RC4 CryptoAPI encrypted XLS files. RC4 CryptoAPI is now the default encryption method for binary files if you use the Strong encryption type to encrypt your documents.

Excel 2016 Charts - Spreadsheet Document API | DevExpress

Excel 2016 Charts

The DevExpress Spreadsheet Document API supports a broad range of 2D and 3D chart types. In our most recent major release, we extended the list of supported chart types and added support for Excel 2016 charts (Box and Whisker, Funnel, Histogram, Sunburst, Treemap, Waterfall, and Pareto).

Document Theme API - Spreadsheet Document API | DevExpress

Document Theme API

You can access and modify document theme in code. Load a custom theme from a THMX file or customize predefined theme colors as needed.


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Office File API & Spreadsheet API News

Generate Accessible PDF Files

Our most recent release includes enhanced PDF export options for our Spreadsheet and Word Processing. You can now convert your spreadsheet and rich text documents to accessible PDF files.

Digital Signatures in Office Documents

As of our last major release, our Office File API offers support for digital signatures. You can now electronically sign Microsorf Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

Multiple Signatures and Timestamps

Our PDF Document API allows you to apply multiple signatures to a document without existing signatures and to apply new signatures to a document that has yet to be signed.

More News

Supported IDEs

Review the list of development tools and frameworks supported by our products. We strongly recommend that you always download and use the most recent versions. If the latest version does not support the IDE or framework you're using, please submit a support ticket via the DevExpress Support Center and request an evaluation version that suits your requirements.

Release Date
Support Status
Limited Support
Not Supported
(for legacy apps)
Minor Updates
Security Updates
Supported Frameworks
.NET 8 / .NET 9
.NET Framework 4.6.2+
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 / .NET 9
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET 6
.NET 5
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET Standard 2.0+
.NET 6
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.0+
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET Standard 2.0+
Supported IDE
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

Is MS Office required for the Spreadsheet Document API to work with documents?

No, you do not need a copy of Microsoft Excel to generate XLS, XLSx files.

What can I do with data and files using the Spreadsheet Document API?

You can manage spreadsheet or Excel documents through files, streams and byte arrays, print and export spreadsheets to PDF, merge-split spreadsheet documents, generate spreadsheets using templates, modify spreadsheet content, analyze and visualize data, protect spreadsheets with passwords and digital signatures, and convert documents to different spreadsheet and image file formats.

Does the DevExpress Spreadsheet Document API support .NET?

Yes. It supports .NET 6, .NET 7, .NET Standard 2.0+. The DevExpress Spreadsheet file generation API works in apps that run on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. You can even deploy your apps on Azure and AWS.

How do I get started with the Spreadsheet Document API?

Best in Class Tools

DevExpress is honored to have been voted best in class 18 times in this year's Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice Awards.

Experience the DevExpress difference and see why your peers consistently vote our products #1. With our Universal Subscription, you will build your best, see complex software with greater clarity, increase your productivity and create stunning applications for Windows, Web and your Mobile world.

18 VSM Awards in 2024 x18
19 VSM Awards in 2023 x19
20 VSM Awards in 2022 x20
20 VSM Awards in 2021 x20

Office File API: Per Developer Pricing

with a 60-day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident in our products and services that we back them with a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee. If within the first 60 days of ownership you are not satisfied with the capabilities of our tools, you can request a full refund of the amount you paid to DevExpress by writing to or by calling +1 (818) 844-3383.

Best Value
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Visual Studio Report Designer
WinForms Document Viewer
WinForms End-User Report Designer
Document Viewer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Web Report Designer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Native Blazor Document Viewer (Server, WebAssembly)
Blazor Web Report Designer (Server, WebAssembly)
WPF Document Viewer
WPF End-User Report Designer
Native Angular Document Viewer
Angular End-User Report Designer
Native React Document Viewer
React End-User Report Designer
WinForms Controls
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Data Grid
DirectX Hardware Acceleration
HTML & CSS Markup Support
AI Chat
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
DirectX Form
Dock Windows
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Layout Manager
Map Control
Heat Map
Gauge Controls
Navigation Pane
Tile Control
Live Tile Manager
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
MVVM Framework
Themes and Skinning
WPF Controls
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Data Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
Pivot Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Rich Text Editor
Spell Checker
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Dock Windows
Layout Manager
Navigation Controls
Data Editors
Map Control
Heat Map
Gantt Control
Gauge Controls
Printing and Exporting
MVVM Framework
Application Themes
Blazor UI Components
AI Chat
Bar Gauge
Data Editors
Dialogs & Windows
File Management
HTML Editor
PDF Viewer
Pivot Grid
Rich Text Editor
BI Dashboard
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
Data Grid
PDF Viewer
Bottom Sheet
Data Editors
Data Form & Form Components
HTML Editor
Image Control
Layout Panels
Circular Gauge
Shimmer Control
Toggle Switch
Tree View
.NET MAUI Project Templates
Office File API Support
jQuery Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML Editor
AI Chat
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Angular Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML Editor
AI Chat
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
React Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML Editor
AI Chat
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Vue Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML Editor
AI Chat
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Web Forms Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Site Navigation
Page Layout
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Gauge Controls
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Multi-Purpose Site Controls
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Extensions
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Page Layout
Site Navigation
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Client-Side Controls
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Controls
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Office Controls
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Rich Text Editor
Printing & Export
ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
File Manager
Site Navigation and Layout
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
XPO - ORM Library
High Performance ORM
Full Support for 12 Database Engines
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Visual Data Model Designer
Office File API
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
Non-Windows Environment Support (Linux, macOS, Azure, AWS)
Spreadsheet Document API (create, edit, update XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Export to Excel (XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Word Processing Document API (create, edit, update DOC/DOCX, RTF, HTML, etc.)
PDF Document API
Digital Signature API
Barcode Generation API
Zip Compression and Archive API
Unit Conversion API
Business Intelligence Dashboard
.NET 8 / .NET 9 Support
WinForms Dashboard Viewer
WinForms End-User Dashboard Designer
WPF Dashboard Viewer
Blazor Dashboard Component
ASP.NET Core Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET MVC Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
HTML JS Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Angular (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for React (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Vue (includes End-User Designer)
VS Dashboard Designer
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
.NET 8 / .NET 9 / .NET Framework
WinForms, ASP.NET Core Blazor, ASP.NET Web Forms
Backend Web API Service
Entity Framework Core and XPO ORM Support
Multi-Tenancy Support
Role-based Access Control, Permission Management
Administrative UI (Manage Users & Roles at Runtime)
Audit Trail (History of Data Changes)
Validation (Prevent Data Errors)
Reporting (Shape, Export & Print Data)
Analytics (Dashboard, Chart, Pivot, Map)
Office Documents (Edit Rich Text & Spreadsheets)
File Attachments (Store Custom Files)
Clone Object (Copy Data Records)
Business Process Management (Workflow & State Machine)
Conditional Appearance (Manage UI Element State)
Event Planning (Scheduler & Notifications)
Tree List Editors (Organize Hierarchical Data)
.NET App Security & Web API Service
Entity Framework Core ORM Support
XPO ORM Support
Role-based Access Control & Permission Management
ASP.NET Core Web API / OData Service for CRUD and Authorization
Administrative UI to Manage Users and Roles at Runtime
Download Reports
Download File Attachments
Obtain Localized Strings
Validate Data
Audit Data Changes
CodeRush for Visual Studio
VS 2022 Support
VS 2019 Support
VS 2017 Support
VS 2015 Support
Roslyn-Powered Superior Performance
TestCafe Studio: Functional Web Testing
Coded UI Support for WinForms Controls
Source Code *
WinForms Controls
ASP.NET Controls
WPF Controls
JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React
Blazor UI Components
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
XPO - ORM Library
Office File API
Data Visualization Dashboard
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
Technical Support

Frequently Asked Questions

To assist you in the ordering process, we've compiled a list of purchase and licensing related FAQs.

Purchase FAQ
Licensing FAQ
Product Delivery and Updates

If you require direct assistance from a member of the DevExpress team on a new purchase, an existing license or renewal/upgrade costs, email us at, or call us at +1 (818) 844-3383 between 7:30AM and 4:30PM Pacific Time.

Multi-Developer Discounts

Each developer within your organization must obtain an individual license for DevExpress UI components/development tools. We offer the following tiered discounts when purchasing more than one license for your development team (discounts are automatically computed during checkout):

2-5 Licenses: 5% discount
6-10 Licenses: 10% discount
11+ Licenses: 15% discount

If you wish to purchase 11 or more developer licenses for your team, and would like to discuss your needs with us, please email or call +1 (818) 844-3383 between 8:30AM and 4:30PM Pacific Time.

All pricing in US dollars

Pricing and licensing terms are subject to change with or without notice. Refer to the Developer Express End-User License Agreement for terms and conditions that govern redistribution rights.

If within the first 60 days of ownership you are not satisfied with the capabilities of our tools, you can request a full refund of the amount you paid to DevExpress by writing to or by calling +1 (818) 844-3383.

* DevExpress does not include/ship source code for certain products, including CodeRush, TestCafe Studio, and Report Server.


DevExpress licenses its software components and development technologies on a subscription basis. A subscription lasts for a 12 month period. Upon expiration of a subscription, you can optionally renew your license for additional 12 months to receive an additional year of product updates and technical support services. Please refer to our Licensing FAQ page for more information on product licensing.

On-time renewal rates are substantially lower than first year subscription costs. The following are on-time renewal rates as of 11/29/2023. Prices subject to change without notice.

Universal Subscription
DXperience Subscription
WinForms Subscription
WPF Subscription
ASP.NET Subscription
DevExtreme Complete
Reporting Subscription
Office File API Subscription
Report and Dashboard Server
CodeRush Ultimate
TestCafe Studio Pro

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