Tab to Next Reference

Visit All References with the Tab Key

Tab to Next Reference allows you to jump across symbol references, regardless of where they are in the solution. It's like a focused Find All References but faster and without any UI to block the code (and more onscreen context to understand exactly what's happening). Incredibly useful for exploring the impact an identifier has on surrounding code (and vice versa).

Every time you start a new exploration with the Tab key, CodeRush remembers your starting location so you can jump back with the Escape key. You can also navigate backward through all the references using Shift+Tab. Works in C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, XAML, and Blazor.

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Tab to Next Reference - CodeRush | DevExpress

Code Places

Reorganize, Filter, and Track Your Favorite Code Places

The Code Places window helps you explore unfamiliar code and find your way through large code bases. See type declarations (class, structs, records, interfaces, delegates, and enums) and their members (methods, properties, events, etc.), and any regions contained in cs., vb., ts. or js. files. Create named groups of related types and members to better maintain focus and quickly get to exactly where you need to be.

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Code Places - CodeRush | DevExpress

Jump to Code Elements

Traverse Files, Classes, Members, and Symbols Quickly

Find files, symbols, and related code quickly, regardless of where they are, even in large solutions. Related code includes implementations of a current member, overridden members, and instantiations of the type at the caret.

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Jump to Code Elements - CodeRush | DevExpress

Smart Code Selection

Expand/Reduce Selections by Logical Blocks

Use Selection Expand Reduce (Ctrl+W) to select large code blocks without mouse interaction or arrow keys. CodeRush's Selection Expand shows exactly what you're selecting, even when that selection spans beyond the current view.

And you can use camel-case navigation and selection to select camel-case portions of complex symbol names (useful for quick partial renames).

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Smart Code Selection - CodeRush | DevExpress


Mark Important Code Locations and
Revisit Them Instantly

CodeRush persistent Bookmarks mark important parts in your code, and let you instantly return to these parts at any time (even across Visual Studio sessions).

To drop a numbered bookmark, use Ctrl+Alt + { a bookmark number 0-9 }.

To jump to a corresponding numbered bookmark from anywhere in your solution, use
Alt + { that same bookmark number }. Simple.

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Bookmarks - CodeRush | DevExpress

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