About Escola Pinheiro
"Escola Pinheiro" is a 35-year-old private K-12 school in Brazil (São Paulo) and serves the educational needs of 2000 students.
Project Name: SmartWeb
SmartWeb is a web educational application developed using ASP.NET MVC and DevExpress MVC controls. SmartWeb provides real-time information to our students and parents (grades, reports, schedules, homework, etc). All this information is entered by our teachers and coordinators within SmartWeb and a background application developed for Windows. SmartWeb has allowed us to improve the relationship between students/parents and the school. The SmartWeb UI was developed for both desktops and mobile devices. At present, 60% of page views are via mobile devices.

Why Did You Choose DevExpress?
We chose DevExpress because its products are always updated to keep pace with the newest technologies. Devexpress UI controls have grown considerably in the past few years. We especially like the focus on responsive and adaptivity design. By using DevExpress UI controls, I didn't have to spend time creating user interface elements and could instead focus on addressing the school's problems. I also like DevExpress because I feel confident that if I encounter an issue, someone from the support team will help me address it quickly. DevExpress support is great! The bottom line, we chose DevExpress because their UI controls are easy-to-use and extensible.
Can you describe a specific project challenge you overcame using DevExpress tools?
We had problems with web schedulers before using DevExpress MVC controls. Users complained about our scheduler because they were not able to access it on small screens (mobile devices). After changing to Devexpress MVC controls, we solved usability issues on mobile devices and began to incorporate a number of other responsive MVC controls. Once we switched to DevExpress, our parents/students SmartWeb usage increased considerably.

Another challenge addressed by DevExpress concerned the Combobox and DateEdit dropdowns. In the past, these MVC Controls were not responsive. After discussing the issue with DevExpress Support, they updated the product to address our mobile UI needs.
Would you recommend DevExpress to a friend?
In my opinion, DevExpress product quality is great and the DevExpress Support Team is even better. They fix problems and perhaps most importantly, DevExpress listens to developers.
I have used other third-party controls and they really were not as good as Devexpress products. So, I strongly recommend DevExpress to anyone.
Rogerio Potenza, Escola Pinheiro (Pinheiro school)