is a group management platform used by membership organizations around the world. Founded in 2015, aims to bring together all of the functionality needed to build a community into a single platform.
The functionality of is broken up into a series of content types, each of which represents something that an organizer can create. For instance:
- Publish Articles
- Manage Contacts
- Create Events and Sell Tickets
- Collect Invoices
Each group using our platform gets their own Space – from which they are able to create content and connect with their members.
Using DevExpress
Each content type corresponds with a page on a Space’s Dashboard. uses a customized version of the DevExpress MVC Grid View to allow Organizers to manage specific types of content. When editing an event, a custom form containing multi-purpose DevExpress MVC controls is displayed on-screen: This includes the MVC Tab Control (which contains additional details and settings).

Thanks to UI component design flexibility, was able to fully modify the look and feel of DevExpress UI components to match seamlessly with its own.
One of the key components of our platform is the ability to create custom pages on a Space. For this, leveraged the DevExpress MVC HTML Editor to create a WYSIWYG content publishing experience on the web.
Why DevExpress?
When's founder set out to create the platform back in 2015, he started putting together a set of libraries that would help build his user interface. Using DevExpress was an obvious choice as it allowed him to use a single, well-maintained library instead of having to patch together dozens of open-source libraries which do not always work nicely together.
What's Next is now turning towards building analytics dashboards for users of its platform. To deliver this capability to its users, will use the client-side focused DevExtreme JavaScript Library for its dashboard implementation.