Application users can create shortcuts ("bookmarks" or "favorites") that help open certain navigation items quickly. As an example, see how Bookmarks are implemented in web web browsers.
1. You can pin your favorite navigation items to the Quick Access Toolbar in WinForms Ribbon UI (XAF v20.1.3+).
2. In an XAF application, you can create a controller that will add the new action, which will process adding a new item into the Navigation Node of the Application Model. For instance, you can use the NavigationItemCreated event to add navigation items as described in the How to: Implement Custom Context Navigation article. Using the ShowNavigationItemController.RecreateNaviationItems method, you can update navigation items after adding a new item to favorites. Refer to the "%PROGRAMFILES%\DevExpress XX.X\Components\Sources\DevExpress.ExpressApp\DevExpress.ExpressApp\SystemModule\Dashboard\DashboardCreationWizard.cs" source file for some example code on how to manage custom navigation items.