Ticket S92221
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Implement GridView.GetFocusedDataSourceRowIndex

created 17 years ago


I often use the following code :

<code lang="cs>

I would like to have the GridView.GetFocusedDataSourceRowIndex method. It will be more readable and less error prone.
And it's pretty easy to add (I think)

Thanx for listening

Show previous comments (1)

    I understand that extention methos are a correct way to create such a functionnality.
    But I must admit that I don't understand that you don't provide this to all of your users. Can you explain to me why you rejected this suggestion ?

    Stan (DevExpress Support) 17 years ago

      Hello Julien,
      I thought that the solution I provided was enough to achieve the required feature and it was not necessary to overload our GridView class with additional methods. Other people will be able to find this suggestion with ease and use the same approach. However, if this solution doesn't meet your requirements, I'll accept this suggestion and we'll consider introducing this method in the future.

      MF MF
      Mike Falcon (DevExpress) 16 years ago

        The following method has been added:

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