Ticket S91895
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ASPxUploadControl - Provide a capability to track the progress and cancel file uploading

created 17 years ago

See Q99648.
Andrew mentions that the ASPxUploadControl will be enhanced to support displaying the upload progress. Lacking the real-time upload progress is very disappointing since the competition's product does this and more!
I see no active support issues regarding this enhancement/suggestion. I'm creating this one to track that enhancement and hopefully get some more people to vote for it.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    A new ShowProgressPanel property has been added. When this property is set to true, a specific Progress Panel, providing upload progress information, is displayed along with the Cancel button, allowing file uploading to be cancelled.
    A new UploadingProgressChanged client event allows you to implement custom progress panels. The properties of this event's argument provide all the required information about the upload progress (fileCount, currentFileName, totalContentLength, uploadedContentLength, progress).
    See online example How to use the ASPxProgressBar control and the ASPxUploadControl's UploadingProgressChanged client event to learn more (note that this example might be unavailable until version v2009 vol.1 is released).

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