In GridView's OptionsView, there is a property called "ShowDetailButtons". However, there is no "ShowGroupExpandCollapseButton", or something alike.
Proposed Solution:
Please provide one so that I can hide the group expand/collapse button, just like the way I hide the details expand / collapse button. :)
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Hello Crono,
Thank you for the suggestion. We'll consider implementing this feature in the future. Currently, you can introduce this behavior by handling the CustomDrawGroupRow event as shown below:
Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ViewInfo .... Private Sub gridView1_CustomDrawGroupRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowObjectCustomDrawEventArgs) CType(e.Info, GridGroupRowInfo).ButtonBounds = Rectangle.Empty End Sub
"Solution provided"?
You mean you won't add the property and expect developpers to use the CustomDrawGroupRow every time? Why? Why would it have to be like that? The "ShowDetailButtons" property exists already, it seems natural to expect a "ShowGroupExpandCollapseButton" property as well???
The following property has been added:
GridView.OptionsView.ShowGroupExpandCollapseButtons (bool);