Ticket S90608
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Automatically set MenuManager property for controls that are being added to a form containing a BarManager

created 17 years ago

My suggestion is to automatically set/populate the MenuManager property when dropping a control on a form that has a single BarManager or RibbonControl. Take for example my current form, a RibbonForm. I drop a ButtonEdit on the form, it would be nice if the editor automatically set the MenuManager to the RibbonControl. Or, an alternative is to use an existing MenuManager if one exists regardless if a MenuManager is set. It falls under the default look and feel mentality, maybe a DefaultBarManager would be the ideal answer? I just want all of my editor's menus to conform to the skin, whatever the solution may be.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    Hi Neal,
    Thank you for your suggestion. We'll discuss it regarding future versions of our suites.

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