Ticket S39783
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Performance - Make it possible to specify declared ModuleUpdater types for the ModuleBase descendant instead of looking for types within a module assembly

created 13 years ago
public class DatabaseUpdater { ... private IList<ModuleUpdater> GetModuleUpdaters(IObjectSpace objectSpace, IList<IModuleInfo> versionInfoList) { List<ModuleUpdater> dbUpdaters = new List<ModuleUpdater>(); foreach(ModuleBase module in modules) { Version moduleVersionFromDB = GetModuleVersionFromDB(versionInfoList, module.Name); if(ForceUpdateDatabase || module.Version > moduleVersionFromDB) { // !!! Type[] updaterTypes = AssemblyHelper.GetTypes(module.GetType().Assembly, type => typeof(ModuleUpdater).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsAbstract && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition); // !!! foreach(Type updaterType in updaterTypes) { if(updaterType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IObjectSpace), typeof(Version) }) != null) { dbUpdaters.Add((ModuleUpdater)TypeHelper.CreateInstance(updaterType, objectSpace, moduleVersionFromDB)); } else { String errorMessage = String.Format("Unable to create an instance of the \"{0}\" type.\r\nThe type does not expose a constructor with the .ctor({1}, {2}) signature.", updaterType.FullName, typeof(IObjectSpace).FullName, typeof(Version).FullName); throw new ObjectCreatingException(updaterType, errorMessage, null); } } } } return dbUpdaters; }

There may be a GetDeclaredModuleUpdaterTypes method, pretty similar to existing GetDeclaredControllerTypes and GetDeclaredExportedTypes methods in the ModuleBase class.


created 13 years ago (modified 13 years ago)

Starting with 12.2, you can override (it is recommended for better performance) the GetModuleTypes method and create required ModuleUpdaters manually. If you do not override this method, XAF will look for ModuleUpdater descendants itself. This is required to avoid a breaking change in existing applications.
If your custom module is not supposed to provide any updates to the database, then override the method as follows:

public override IEnumerable<ModuleUpdater> GetModuleUpdaters(IObjectSpace objectSpace, Version versionFromDB) { return ModuleUpdater.EmptyModuleUpdaters; }

All standard XAF modules and templates will follow these best practices as well.

    Comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

      The related documentation is published:
      ModuleBase.GetModuleUpdaters Method

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