Ticket S31575
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Add a new property which will define a valid ParentField value for root nodes

created 16 years ago

Given the table t_tree: id, parent_id, name, archived
Depending on a checkBox "show archived too" the SelectCommand is set to
  "select * from t_tree"
  "select * from t_tree where not archived"
After setting a Parent-Record/Node to "archived=true" the childs (unchanged/still archived=false) will displayed in the root-level of the TreeView (because the parent "is missing").
What is a possible solution for my problem?
Thanks, Stefan

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    A new property has been added:
    public object ASPxTreeList.RootValue { get; set; }
    The property is hidden from the property-grid and is not stored in the ViewState.
    You should assign its value in code, before data binding.
    Alex, R&D

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