XAF 17.1+
Text notification display (e.g. confirmation messages, warnings, errors) has been simplified for desktop and Web XAF applications with the help of the platform-agnostic DevExpress.ExpressApp > ShowViewStrategyBase > ShowMessage method. You can quickly learn more about it from this blog as a preview of this functionality was already available in XAF v16.2.5+.
With v17.1, this functionality was greatly extended based on customer feedback and you can research it further in the FeatureCenter and SimpleProjectManager demos:
We also look forward to hearing from you once you have had an opportunity to try this extended ShowMessage functionality in v17.1 (please submit separate tickets using the https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Create service for that purpose).
Check the Support - provide an example, illustrating how to show a dialog window in the Web ( S19008 ) and Displaying modal pop-up conformation dialog/message box issues for possible workarounds.
See Also:
Generic Message Box