Ticket S18628
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ASPxDataView - Render an empty control into the page and provide a capability to modify the control's representation

created 17 years ago

For instance, the control's client API can be available if the EmptyItemTemplate (or a kind of the EmptyDataTemplate) is defined.

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Provide an ability to use the control's client-side API, when the bound data source is empty.
    See also S30233

    DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

      Now, the rendering logic of the ASPxDataView control has been changed and it is always rendered into the page, be it empty or not. For an empty ASPxDataView control a specific explanatory text (new EmptyDataText property) or a custom template (new EmptyDataTemplate property) can now be rendered, and a specific appearance style can be defined (new EmptyDataStyle property).

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