Ticket Q92653
Visible to All Users

ASPxGridListEditor - add the Column Chooser to the ASPxGridListEditor, so that end-users can customize the visible columns set

created 17 years ago

how can i implement an action that would bring up customization window?
and, would it save customization on client machine via cookies?

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    Hello Evgeniy,
    Unfortunately, the current version doesn't provide a simple solution to this task. Your question has been converted to a suggestion. We'll implement it in a future version.

    M M
    Mary (DevExpress) 16 years ago

      Hello Evgeniy,
      Now, all columns that are generated for a List View in the Application Model, visible and invisible, are created by the grid. Invisible columns are hidden in the Column Chooser - the new element that we've added to the grid. End-users can easily make invisible columns visible by dragging them from the ColumnChooser and dropping them to the grid.
      Thanks, Mary.

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