Ticket Q440548
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Filtering - Create a built-in criteria function to check if an XPO object is new or saved

Vaildation only if IsNewObject=true?

created 12 years ago

I have a object (Contract) that is editable on creation, but then after it is saved, I make all fields not editable by following the example provided in

Now my problem is that I have a single STATUS field that needs updating as the 'Contract' goes through various phases in the business, but I have validation rules on dates. Now as time progresses certain validations fail on the dates and this then prevents me from updating the STATUS of the contract.

My question is: Is there a way to make validation rules ONLY apply when IsNewObject=true and otherwise not to be applied.
I have hunted high and low and the only solution I can come up with is implementing CustomValidation.

Any guidance appreciated.


created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Ralf,
It is possible to accomplish this task via the rule's TargetCriteria parameter. Here is an example:

private string _RequiredField; [RuleRequiredField("asd", DefaultContexts.Save, TargetCriteria = "IsNewObject")] public string RequiredField { get { return _RequiredField; } set { SetPropertyValue("RequiredField", ref _RequiredField, value); } } [Browsable(false)] public bool IsNewObject { get { return Session.IsNewObject(this); } }

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