Ticket Q34001
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How to display a list of non-persistent objects while retaining the possibility to 'add' new objects

created 16 years ago
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Henk van Jaarsveld 16 years ago

    Thanks for your time.
    For the moment I have found a workaround (see below), but as this feels more like a hack than a solution, I would be happy when you still can answer my question.
    The problem I had was that I was trying to keep a part of my businessmodel outside of XAF (because I may have a need to use it outside Xaf-applications also), but I would keep the possibility to use those objects within IList-properties in my Xaf-application.
    So I have:
    class PersistentObject : BaseObject

     private IList<SimpleObject> simpleObjects
     public IList<SimpleObject> SimpleObjects
             get { return simpleObjects

    Non-XAF Assembly:
    public class SimpleObject
     public string Name {get;set;}
     public int Age {get;set;}
    On a DetailView of PersistentObject, a nested listview for SimpleObject will be shown. As SimpleObject is not persistent, indeed it should not be possible to invoke a detailview for SimpleObject. But IMHO the XtraGrid used in WinForms should be able to add / modify the items via the inplace-editors and using the embedded navigator.
    Ok, maybe XtraGrid needs an IBindingList instead of IList to be able to create new objects, I'm not so sure about that, but that would be no problem.
    Currently: I have wrapped my non-persistent objects in [NonPersistent] XPObjects for use in my Xaf-application, but as said, this solotion feels more like a 'hack' than a real solution.
    To answer your specific questions:
    Why a non-peristent object: Because I don't want the containing assembly to rely on Xaf / XPO. However, the assembly will also be used within a Xaf-application.
    Create or link objects: Just creation.
    Process changes: There can be various ways. Using the DetailView in a PopupWindow and hanlding OnExcecute, using a SimpleAction, maybe embedding a DetailView on a Frame into a XtraWizard Page, you name it…
    I hope this is more clear now.
    Thanks in advance…

    DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

      Hello Marco,
      Also, you can enable the "New Item Row" feature of the XtraGrid control and use the System.ComponentModel.BindingList<T> class.
      Or, create a new SimpleAction/ShowPopupWindowAction and create/add objects manually. Currently, you need "wrap" classes, if your classes are not marked with the "NonPersistent" attribute (we will remove this requirement in future).
      See also:
      - "XAFCore: Introduce a capability to show a list of calculated (created at runtime) objects with easy" at http://www.devexpress.com/issue=S19068

      H H
      Henk van Jaarsveld 16 years ago

        New Item Row feature would serve me indeed as well. So it's possible using BindingList.
        Thank you very much, the answer perfectly fits my question.

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