A simple question. XPO supports OData v.3.
Thank you.
Miguel Mayorga.
A simple question. XPO supports OData v.3.
Thank you.
Miguel Mayorga.
Hi Miguel,
The current XPO version supports only OData v2. Our developers are working on providing support for OData v3. I hope this functionality will be available with the next major release.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the heads up. You are certainly right. I just overlooked that this information already leaked :)
To see the OData V3 service in action, start the XPO Tutorials demo application and navigate to the XPO OData V3 Service (new) section.
Additionally, we suggest the following standalone example: How to: Use the XPO OData V3 Service.
See Also:
How to deploy the OData security service in the Cloud for further use by a mobile DXTREME client
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