I am noticing (see attached jpg) an odd effect on a text field of size 255 (sql server). When rowcount is empty, it displayed in the ui fine, albeit on one row… when i set it to 2 or 10 etc… it gets very narrow, very unusable. This seems like a new behaviour. Just a basic BO, with only 4 fields declared. Any thoughts would be appreciated… drew…
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oopsie, i meant to set my version to 8.2.3 and in this case, this might be important! cheers, drew…
I apologize for the delay.
Thank you for the report. These days we've been a little bit overloaded with support queries.
We are working on your issue, and will answer ASAP.
Hi Drew,
I've reproduced this error and converted this question to an issue. This looks like a problem in CSS. We will let you know once we have a workaround.
Thank you for your patience,
thanks, i thought as much, as i could sometimes occasionally (and very briefly) see the original textbox in its' proper size prior to all the css kicking in… thanks kindly, drew…
Hi Drew,
We have fixed this problem.
Currently, to work around this bug you need to change the following styles in the XafControlsStyle.css file of your web site:
by adding the following line: width: 100%;
Please let me know in case of any difficulty.
I think you folks broke something with this fix. I just upgraded a running site for minor issues and now the main BO's view detailview cannot be hit as it barfs with an "Can't find property 'RowCount'" error.
It will be a lot of work to step the site back, and once again, i am under a deadline. Why do errors like this ONLY occur when deadlines are looming? ;)
howdy, my oopsie with which version i am using. I didn't upgrade to 8.2.4 due to the report detail row missing issue. So this is 8.2.3. Now i am a tad confused as to where this issue it coming from. When i try to view my Workplan BO, i get this error, but can enter a BO that has no internal collections (BudgetLines) created. hmm…
Right now, no clue as to what is going on as i don't know when or where the RowCount property comes into play.
solved… i was tinkering with code for conditional formating that didn't work and got interrupted and forgot it, and it included RowCount in the criteria, which barfed it out, i was testing for alternating row colors in asp.net:
<ConditionalFormatting IsNewNode="True">
<Rule ID="EvenRowStyle" Criteria="RowCount=1" IsNewNode="True">
<Target Name="Background" Color="LightBlue" IsNewNode="True" />
Hi Drew,
OK, I am very glad to hear that this issue has been resolved and it now works well. Thank you for informing us. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Do not hesitate to contact us in case of any problem. We are always happy to help you.