Ticket Q144800
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Add a capability to adjust the Customization Window's size

created 16 years ago

I realise that there are a few posts covering this topic but I was unable to find a resolution. I have a customization window that is displayed via a button. All works fine, however when there are more columns than the popup customisation window can display a scroll bar appears. This is not a problem, however the height of the customization window seems to be artificially set to 170px. I have tried adding a custom css via the <CustomizationWindow CssClass="CustomizationWindowCSS" />. This changes the height of the customisation window but not it’s content. I have attached an image that shows the results with no custom css, with a custom css and a snipped of the css. I’ve also included some page source that indicates that the customisation window has an inline style that sets the height to 170px. This is too shallow for our purposes, can the height be increased?
Many thanks.

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi Lee,
    Thanks for the question. Unfortunately, the capability to manage the Customization Window size isn't currently supported.
    However, we believe this functionality makes sense. So, I'm moving this thread to the Suggestions section. We'll keep you informed of any progress.

    DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

      New properties have been added:
        Unit SettingsCustomizationWindow.Width
        Unit SettingsCustomizationWindow.Height
      Alex, R&D

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