I'm using ASPxMenu in an application that has now been through numerous Devex upgrades, am currently on At some point recently (but not sure if it was the latest upgrade), I realized that when the cursor moves over an item, the item's text color changes to white. And that does not look very good. I have not changed the markup for this menu in ages, and have never messed with the CSS from Devex.
See attached screenshots.
The relevant markup:
<dxm:ASPxMenu ID="uiMainMenu" runat="server" Orientation="Vertical" CssFilePath="~/App_Themes/Plastic Blue/{0}/styles.css" CssPostfix="PlasticBlue" ImageFolder="~/App_Themes/Plastic Blue/{0}/" ItemSpacing="0px" AutoSeparators="RootOnly" SeparatorHeight="100%" SeparatorWidth="2px">
<SubMenuStyle GutterWidth="0px" />
<RootItemSubMenuOffset FirstItemX="1" LastItemX="1" X="1" />
<SeparatorBackgroundImage ImageUrl="~/App_Themes/Plastic Blue/Web/mSeparatorHor.gif" VerticalPosition="Top" />
<ItemSubMenuOffset FirstItemY="-1" LastItemY="-1" Y="-1" />
Did something change? I don't remember what the text color was before, but it wasn't white. I assume it was black.
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Hi James,
Thank you for the report. This appears to be a bug in the ASPxMenu CSS styles. We'll research it and fix ASAP. I have converted this question into a bug report.
Serge D
Hi James,
Our developers have finally managed to fix this problem, and this fix will be included in the next ASPxMenu version.
As an immediate solution, please replace the App_Themes\Plastic Blue\Web\styles.css with the attached file. This should fix the issue.
Thanks, Vito. Will the project converter utility in the next release update this file automatically for existing projects that use this style?
Hi James,
Unfortunately, the answer is no: ProjectConverter doesn't process styles. I suggest that you look at the following report, for more details on this subject:
ID: S91794, Project convert should update App_Themes skin folders