We would like a way to remove or edit the top header of the printouts created by the Scheduler. It is taking up too much of the page and wasting too much space and we do not need it.
Is this the same problem?
Please see the attached photograph in this other question: https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/ViewIssue.aspx?issueid=DQ37697&searchtext=&pgid=ecb3be56-c75a-4166-aa68-cb462cd2dd2b&pid=25109346-9694-428d-8394-061ae4e39c97
Your answer was that it currently cannot be done, but you could do it in the future.
We are planning on buying the entire Suite, but cannot purchase it until this functionality exists. Please let me know general timeline when you can plan to integrate this. 2007?
Proposed Solution:
Any solution is feasible for us:
- Allow us to adjust the Fonts and Sizes of the Month Name AND
- Allow us to disable/remove the mini-calendars for the before and after months.
OR - Allow us to not draw that entire header at the top of the Calendar.
OR - Give programmer total control or ability to override or inherit the header function.
You may completely hide the Header using the CalendarHeaderVisible property which is provided by the DailyPrintStyle, WeeklyPrintStyle, MonthlyPrintStyle, TriFoldPrintStyle PrintStyles. As for the size changing, please clarify how you would like to set this height?