Dear DevExpress Team,
I have a problem with the multi-select handling functionality in the XtraGrid. For example, in Windows Explorer or MS Outlook, when user select one item and hold the "shift" key and press Page Down, all the visible items will be selected (and doesn’t scroll to a side downwards).
In your XtraGrid the handling is different. The grid scrolls side downwards and selects the first visible item. The User can't see if he has selected one or more items at that moment.
Can I set a particular property or is there any inbuilt method to have a similar functionality like MS Outlook or Windows Explorer (as explained above)? If this functionality is not yet available, could you please implement similar functionality in one of your next releases?
Thank you
Proposed Solution:
Multi-select handling like Outlook or Windows Explorer.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Improve scrolling behavior when PageDown/PageUp keys are used to scroll rows
Hello Gunter,
Thank you for the request. We'll consider introducing the mentioned feature in future updates of the XtraGrid.
Additional Information:
In your ExpressQuantumGrid (VCL Delphi Version) you already have implement this handling / feature.
Hello Gunter,
Thank you for the response. I should say that the ExpressQuantumGrid is a completely different control, which is created based upon a different platform. So, we'll count the number of votes about the same feature and probably introduce the necessary functionality in the future.
The following property has been added:
GridView.OptionsNavigations.UseOfficePageNavigation(true by default)