Bug Report CB54105
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End-User Designer - Sometimes it's impossible to select a table in the wizard

created 18 years ago

In the XtraReport EUD I cant seem to select any tables via the DATASOURCE creation Wizard.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open EUD with blank report.
  2. Open Data Connection Wizard.
  3. Define connection to SQL server using the SQL Server Client.
  4. Next - shows a list of tables… Add a table to the right… BUT the NEXT button stays Grey.
  5. Click FINISH… Nothing is created.
Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

    Hi Ray,
    Thank you for the report.
    Unfortunately I can't reproduce your issue on my side. Please check the connection settings you're using, check whether required protocols and permissions are correct. If everything is correct, please create a simple application: drop the datagridview from the toolbox and try to connect to the same datatable.
    I'm looking forward to hearing your results.

      I've tried as you asked. Everything was OK with that…
      If I create a NEW datasource in the Visual Studio its OK…
      Its only when I run the End User Designer. And user the SQL Native Client.
      I have also noticed that when the list of tables appear you can double click on the list and it moves the table to the selected side. If you then double click on the table on the selected side it removes it from the selected list but does'nt add it back to the tables list!!!
      What do you need from me to demonstate the problem I am having… I have created a small app… that simply opens the end user designer… from there I try to create a NEW Datasource, select SQL Native Client, TEST CONNECTION (OK), Click NEXT and the list of tables appears (this must show that the connection details are correct)… Its then when you select a TABLE the NEXT button stays greyed out… the only thing I can do is click FINISH and nothing happens.
      Ray Harrison

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