Bug Report B97047
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Can't open some filetypes with FileDataEdit control

created 17 years ago

the FileDataEdit control (more precise: the FileAttachmentController) fails to open some filetypes. This happens at least for OpenOffice documents (Version 2.4.1, http://www.openoffice.org) and files which are assigned to UltraEdit-32 (Version 13.10+4, http://www.ultraedit.com). There are probably more applications…
FileAttachmentController.Open() copies the FileData to a temporary directory, starts the external application and registers an event handler for the Process.Exited event. In this event handler the temporary directory will be removed.
For an OpenOffice document this leads to the following scenario:
- FileAttachmentController.Open() starts soffice.exe
- soffice.exe starts soffice.bin (and exits(???))
- FileAttachmentController.process_Exited() is called and removes the temporary directory
- soffice.bin can't find the given file
I've attached a simple project which hopefully helps to reproduce the problem.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a new FileDataItem
- Assign an OpenOffice document to the FileData property
- Double click the filename in the FileDataEdit control
Actual Results:
OpenOffice starts but the tempory file doesn't exist anymore.
Expected Results:
The temporary file should be deleted after the externel application has finished. The document should be opened in OpenOffice.

Show previous comments (2)

    Hi Dennis,
    thank you for your reply and your video. I did some research and many OpenOffice installations today ;-)
    Here's my update on this issue. I've produced some videos showing the problem, although they only show that the problem exists on my side but not how to reprocuce them on your side. :-(
    What version of OpenOffice did you use trying to reproduce the failure? Are you using 3.0 Beta2? I was not able to reproduce the bug with this version but with version 2.4.1 (german version). I reproduced the failure on three of my computers/systems. The videos of my development machine (DevPC.swf.html) and a virtual machine (VM_Oo2.4.1-Standard.swf.html) are attached.
    I try to get some more information the next days.
    Thanks for your great support!

      As I can't post to bug report B97246, I reactivate this issue and post additional information.
      I was able to reproduce this bug with Adobe Reader 8.1.2 (see attached video). Steps to repdroduce it:
      - Create a FileDataItem and attach a PDF-Document
      - In the ListView with the FileDataItems select one item and click "Open File"
      - The PDF-Document opens in Adobe Reader
      - Don't close this document or Adobe Reader!
      - Click again "Open File" [*]
      - In most of the cases this produces a "File not found" error.
      - If no error was shown leave the document open and repeat the step marked with [*]

      DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

        Hello Thorsten,
        Thank you for your comments. I appreciate it greatly.
        The "Adobe Reader 8.1.2" application works as it is described in the http://www.devexpress.com/issue=B97246 entry: "the file is opened by an intermediate application which starts a new process and immediately finishes".
        Currently, "XAF File Attachments" module incorrectly handles applications of this sort. We are working on fixing this issue.
        Thanks, Dan

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