Hi, I need to show a text in a Report, this text have to be typed by end-user.
I use a report ́ parameter and try to connect it to a Label in report ́s detail band.
I save changes but next time I edit report it don ́t show the conection, the connection is lost.
In report doesn ́ shows the text typed by end-user.
Steps to Reproduce:
Make a report, add a parameter, conect parameter to laber in detail band, save and run the report.
Actual Results:
The connection (parameter and XRLabel) is lost when edit the report.
Expected Results:
Show the text typed by end user in detail band.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Reports - A designed XRLabel loses its link to a parameter when a XAF report is being loaded
I forget to attach image. here it goes.
Hello Alberto,
I'm afraid the information you provided is incomplete.
I didn't manage to reproduce this problem using the XtraReports Features Demo (ReportMainDemo.exe) application shipped with the Suite.
For instance, you can run the 'Table Report' module and then click the 'Edit' button to invoke the End-User Designer (EUD). Then, add a parameter and bind an XRLabel control to it.
After you save changes and re-open the Preview mode, you'll notice that the label is still bound to the parameter you defined.
If possible, please try to isolate the case, and then post any sample project, showing the issue. I'll do my best to help you.
Thank you,
Hi Alex, I try it in ReportMainDemo.exe and it works great.
I try to do the same with a simple app (XAF), but can ́t show the parameter in the XRLabel control binded to it.
Attach my example.
Could you check it and tell me what ́s wrong?
Thanks In Advance
Hello Alberto,
Unfortunately, this is an actual XAF limitation.
We have registered a suggestion to support this feature. If you find it useful, you can track its status at: Reports - Allow use calculated fields in XAF reports to filter datasource.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.
Hi Alex. I thing this feature has to be treated like a bug and not like a suggestion because it is showed in "Whats new in 8.2".
I thing so because the proccess to implement a suggestion is larger than fix a bug (because have to pass througth a proccess).
Sorry, if I repeat, is because I am wating for this funtion in order to deliver some special reports.
Thanks in advance
Hi Alberto,
?I thing this feature has to be treated like a bug and not like a suggestion because it is showed in "Whats new in 8.2".
I thing so because the proccess to implement a suggestion is larger than fix a bug (because have to pass througth a proccess).
First of all, thank you for your patience.
I have created the Reports - Allow use calculated fields in XAF reports to filter datasource suggestion and not a bug because there are so many modifications required to be done in the XAF to completely support these new report's features. We've already planned this in the 8.3 release and our devs are already working on this.
As I see you are already tracking this issue and you will be automatically notified when its state is changed.
Let me explain, why it has happened. As you know, XAF is a complex business framework which uses our controls. XAF has his own architecture and rules that allow us to meet requirements of many users who are going to build their business applications. It is not easy to meet the wishes of many people when trying to provide common solutions. So, not all native features of our controls are now supported in our frameworks. Of course, we will improve the usability of our framework in the future, and now you can see that new modules are provided with each release. New features are regularly being delivered. Now returning to the Reports module in XAF. In XAF we have our own reports which extend the standard functionality of XtraReports. This is done for many reasons, like keeping various application model settings, our own filtering mechanisms, localization, etc. This is because of the things I mentioned above (trying to meet the needs of many people). This a way we go when building our framework and we consider this to be the right way.
Currently, we have not completely supported some new features in XtraRepors, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we will make these features in XAF in the future. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry, if I repeat, is because I am wating for this funtion in order to deliver some special reports.
Please explain to us in detail what you are trying to achieve, and we will do our best to advice you of the best way to achieve this with XAF and XtraRepors using the current versions of the suites.
Hi. I add this information in order to be helpfull
When I do a report without Object Type I can add a custom propertie, drag to detail view, preview report, fill the custom atribute and the information will be showed in report. All it ́s ok.
The problem arise if I set a Object Type to that report. If I run the same report (with Object Type) then the custom parameter just shows in report the editor ́s tag, not the value.
I hope this can help to fix this quickly.
Hi, I just need to show 2 custom parameters in report (too name and lastname form BO). I don ́t use custom parameters to performe calculations, just show in report date and text writted by end-user. Its some very simple, but can ́ do it now.
Thanks in advance
With the current version, you cannot use XtraReport parameters in XAF Reports, because of this issue, which is fixed in v8.2.4 (it will be published in a week or so).
Thanks, Dan.